
Our AGM this year was held  on Tuesday 14 November in the Watney Room and was attended by approximately 40 people. Refreshments were served after the meeting.

We were very pleased that the Executive  Mayor, Jason Perry, attended our AGM in November 2022 and who is very supportive of the Friends.


Our AGM in 2019 was held on Tuesday, 12 November at 7.30 in the Watney Room at Emmanuel Church.    Our speaker  was Mathew Frith, Director of the London Wildlife Trust, who gave an most interesting and informative illustrated talk. The Trust cares for over 37 of London’s wild spaces.


In 2014 the AGM was held on Wednesday 12 November at 7.30 pm at Emmanuel Church Hall. The first item on the agenda was the presentation of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service by a representative  of Her Majesty. 



New steps were built by the Council at Bankside.  These were badly needed as the area had become very slippery after a very wet and cold winter.


Steps on the South side of the Hurst:

The steps climbing up to the large clearing which houses the ancient barrow were refurbished by the Downlands Trust volunteers.  The Downlands Trust installed the original steps back in 1995 and it is a tribute to their work that they have lasted so long.   They went back to the site and replaced ones that had deteriorated and installed a number of new ones.  We are really grateful for this work and appreciate their long association with the Hurst.

For those who remember, the Downlands Trust, along with the Friends of Croham Hurst Woods, were contributors to the creation of the meadow adjacent to the West Hill entrance.

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